We’re merging with Cascade Counseling
Due to our fast growth and the increasing demand for quality sex and relationship therapists, we are joining forces with Cascade Counseling. We are excited to provide you with the same quality of clinical care, but with an improved administrative support team, and shorter waitlists! Reach out to get on the schedule!

Couples & Sex Therapy Orem, Utah
Do any of these describe you? We’re here to help!
I’m in a committed relationship and….
We fight about the same things over and over again
We cannot seem to communicate with each other
We used to not be able to keep our hands off of each other, and now we just can’t seem keep to connect
I’ve recently discovered my partner viewing pornography and don’t know what to do
The “spark” in my relationship has disappeared. We’re in complete roommate mode and can’t seem to get out
I’m a wife and I…..
Am falling out of love for my partner
Just can’t find a desire for sex with my partner
Am experiencing pain with intercourse
Have experienced sexual trauma and need help finding healing
Experienced betrayal and need help recovering
Am struggling with embracing my sexuality
Desire more sex than my partner. What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with them?
I’m a husband and I….
Am falling out of love with my partner
Struggle with compulsive sexual behaviors that are ruining my relationship
Struggle with sexual performance
Have low desire or high desire which is troubling me and my partner
Have experienced shame around my sexuality
Have kinks and fetishes that result in shame
Couples Therapy
Sex Therapy
Sexual Trauma
OCSB/ "Sex Addiction"
Meet the Team
“Intimacy is not purely physical. It’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul.”
-Reshall Varsos
Sex Education Blog